Primal Scream 的 Screamadelica 在九一年成為 Melody Maker 的年度最佳專輯。在二零零五年四月,英國電視台 Channel 4 的 100 Greatest Albums 名單內 Screamadelica 依然企穩第八十一的位置。今天再聽 Screamadelica 感覺依然新鮮,絕不過時 。我這幾天就是不斷在聽了!
一九九一年的九月, Primal Scream 推出了石破天驚的 Screamadelica。從此改變了 indie-dance, indie-rock 定義。八十年代未,九十年代初英國的 Acid House / rave 熱潮剛剛興起, Creation 唱片公司旗下的 Primal Scream 亦受到這熱潮所影響, Primal Scream 放下 c86 的搖滾風格, 與電子混音大師 Andy Weatherall 坐在錄音室、按著鍵盤、對著電腦,把 overground 的 rock music 和 underground 的 dance music 緊緊地結合在一起。
在 Screamadelica 裡面,我最喜歡的就是 higher than the sun,此曲特別請來 Alex Paterson ( orb 的主腦,亦是我最喜愛的 ambient 組合 ) 合作,音樂上是:太空感+電子感+迷幻+ dub + Bobby Gillesie 那“上了電”的聲音+露骨的歌詞:
My brightest star's my inner light let it guide me
Experience and innocence bleed inside me
Hallucinogens can open me or untie me
I drift in inner space, free of time
I find a higher state of grace, in my mind
I'm beautiful
I've glimpsed, I have tasted, fantastical places
My soul's an oasis, higher than the sun
看!不用 take drugs,已經“上電”了。
除此之外,還有另一曲升仙作品, inner flight ( 又是 ambient ), 此曲沒有歌詞,但有重型 dub 節奏和電子聲效。還有充滿東方色彩的電子小品 i'm comin' down,聽過令人心廣神怡、樂到病除 。十年前可以在舞池大放特的 don't fight it, feel it,現在聽起來可能老土了一點。此終,那段 keyboard "娘"了一點,但其 bassline 依然很 groove。Come together , loaded 和 movin'on up 這些經典的 rock 加 dance beat,不用多說,就是聞歌起舞,百聽不膩的作品。
還有在 Twenty-four Seven 這套電影出現過的滄海遣珠 damaged。只有吉他和 Bobby 柔情似水的聲線,情深款款地,唱著:「I'd never felt so happy 」和「Stone, stone, stone in love with you」
Sweet summer days
When I was feeling so fine
Just you and me girl
Was a beautiful time
Oh yeah
Said I felt so happy
My my my
I was through with doubt and pain
All the love I felt hadn't been in vain
Got damaged
I got damaged
I got damaged
I lost myself in you
I'd wake up beside you
You'd hold me in your arms
Nothing and nobody's gonna do me
Any harm oh yeah
Said I felt so happy
My my my
And the way I felt inside
Made me feel so glad to be alive
Got damaged
I got damaged
I got damaged
I lost myself in you
Do do doo
I'd never felt so happy
Do do doo
I'd never felt so happy
Do do doo
I'd never felt so happy
I'll never feel that way again
No, no, no, no, no, no
My my my
People can be precious
But they ain't for keeping
I got too possessive
But souls ain't for stealing
You were my addiction
I got strung out and crazy
Hit me like a fever
When you left me baby
Stone, stone, stone in love with you
I was stone, stone, stone in love with you