那個下午很無聊...在 youtube 找 Keane 的新歌來聽,聽過新歌幾首,竟然發現 Keane 在 09 年的 V Festival 上 cover 了 Oasis 的<Cast No Shadow>。都說是一個不合格的 Oasis 歌迷,霎時之間想不起這首歌來自那張唱片的。因為一首<Cast No Shadow>又把《(What's the Story) Morning Glory?》拿出來再三回味,向來忽略歌詞的我,發現其實不知可謂 cast no shadow,又得再訪問 google。
在一藏大量 Oasis 訪問,名為 Oasis Interviews Archive 的網站,找來以下 Noel 在 1995 年為 NME 做的訪問,談論製作《(What's the Story) Morning Glory?》心路歷程,關於<Cast No Shadow>,Noel 如是說道 "It was inspired by Richard (Ashcroft) from The Verve. I sussed Richard wasn't very happy for a while so l wrote it for him and about three weeks later he quit. It's about songwriters in general who are desperately trying to say something. I'd like to be able to write really meaningful lyrics but I always end up talking about drugs or sex. People tend to ask my advice about a lot of things. I'm good at giving it but I'm shit at taking it. But people like Richard and Paul (Weller) will look after me they'll make sure I'm conscious in a chair or that I can get home."。
才知道 Noel 和 Richard Ashcroft 如此交情,怪不得<Cast No Shadow>帶來陣陣的無助感...再 dig 下去,更發現 Noel 在 05年為電影《Goal》重新灌錄<Cast No Shadow>並由 UNKLE 來監製 。十年人事,唱者成熟了,音樂上的處理不同了,再配上電影畫面,又是另一種感覺...
Here's a thought for every man, Who tries to understand what is in his hands
He walks along the open road of love and life, Surviving if he can
Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
Chained to all the places that he never wished to stay
Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
As he faced the sun he cast no shadow
As they took his soul they stole his pride
舊文:不合格的 Oasis 歌迷
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