我絕對是一個不合格的 Oasis 歌迷,手上只有《Definitely Maybe》、《(What's the Story) Morning Glory?》的唱片和一盒《Oasis live by the sea》的 VHS。自問對 Oasis 的熱愛,早在《(What's the Story) Morning Glory?》和一片 Noel 和 Liam 的對駡聲中冷卻了。多年來給自己一個借口就是,95 年 8 月那一場 Oasis 和 Blur 的世紀單曲大戰,我是站在 Blur 那一邊的 - 因為〈Country house〉實在好聽又新奇。所以《(What's the Story) Morning Glory?》之後的唱片我再沒有買、《Definitely Maybe》的十周年 DVD 也沒有、Oasis 兩度來港的演唱會我一而再地「錯」過了、 但是竟然連早前肥樹那個驚為天人的 Oasis 展覽我也再三「錯」過了...但多得肥樹在他的blog播放了這首我從未聽過的早期作品〈Whatever〉,竟然重燃對 Oasis 喜愛。
這首〈Whatever〉是在 94 年尾推出的單曲,正值《Definitely Maybe》和《(What's the Story) Morning Glory?》中的真空期,〈Whatever〉不但擁有 Oasis 那一貫的流行旋律,更配上 London Session Orchestra 的弦樂合奏,實在教人愛不釋手。現在〈Whatever〉已經進佔了我最喜愛的 Oasis 作品,跟〈Live Forever〉和〈Married with Children〉齊名,竟然把〈Wonderwall〉、〈Champagne Supernova〉和〈Don't Look Back in Anger〉比下去。
3 則留言:
"Whatever" is a great song. It's very hard to find it now. There's a 2CD version of "Definitely Maybe" which attache this single a long long time ago.
"Whatever you do, whatever you say. Yeah, I know it's alright"
3 則留言:
"Whatever" is a great song. It's very hard to find it now. There's a 2CD version of "Definitely Maybe" which attache this single a long long time ago.
"Whatever you do, whatever you say. Yeah, I know it's alright"
Yes, yes. you know this is petty hard for me to buy one more "Definitely Maybe", but I'll try hard to find a 2nd hand "Whatever" single...
我到今時今日才看到你的介紹. 真的多謝.
不是驚為天日, 只是剛巧有唱片一同合作, 就幹了.
羨慕你上u magazine呢~~~~