外國的月亮不一定特別圓,但外國的政治活動竟用上如此「潮」的音樂,又確實要比港台兩地的比下去。今日的確是奧巴馬的 beautiful day,持續好幾個月的「自己人打自己」悶戰終於結束,出名講 speech 動聽的奧巴馬說了以下一番話"Tonight, we mark the end of one historic journey with the beginning of another a journey that will bring a new and better day to America" 如果我在場聽到如此激勵人心的說話,我也大叫支持!
翻查維基,才知道原來〈Beautiful Day〉在不少重要場合出現過,在上一回就是在高呼「Make Poverty History」的 Live 8 音樂會和颶風卡特里娜風災後在新奧爾良的第一場 Super Bowl XXXVI。
4 則留言:
hahah yes beautiful day is a very popular song for big events. I think they used the same song in West Wing when Santos got the presidential nomination too...
Funny right? They claimed Santos' character was based on Obama..
The speech writer of Obama is exceptional, absolutely inspiring & motivational. Did u notice Clinton loves to start her sentences with "You know..."? Portraying a distant & submissive sense... On one occasion she used "You know..." 10 times in a short speech.
Check this article if you are interested...
Tone of the speech would instantly lift up if u take out all the "You Know"
Hehe, I m just really obsessed with their speeches, it's my means to learn English writing :p
what a long comment!
Yes, their speeches are great, specially Obama.
暫時還不能決定該投誰哩! XD
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