正如在 Zara 買不到稱身和稱心的衣服,在 H&M 翻來覆去也只是找到唯一一條純黑色的褲子,那些 t-shirt、便服總是不合心水。雖然 H&M 的衣服不合眼緣,但 H&M 的 background music 則合心水。
H&M 的 background music 通常也是一些不知明的西歐音樂,但偶爾也有一些「熟口熟面」的英倫音樂,印象中也曾在 H&M 聽到 Jarvis Cocker 的新歌。正當在 H&M 內「遊魂」之際,頭上的揚聲器竟然傳來 the view 的《Wasted Little DJs》,興奮莫名!
因為聽到 the view 而興奮,皆因這四名小伙子的風頭確是一時無兩,而且年輕有為(平均年齡才19至20歲)。他們的第一張 single《Wasted Little DJs》才在 2006 年 8 月推出,已經勇奪 Shockwaves NME Awards 2007 的 Best Track of the year 和 NME Track of 2006 的第九位;大碟《Hats Off The Buskers》在三日內買了 58,000 張,随即在該星期當上 UK album charts 第一位。
相信 the view 的成功當然多少來自 NME 的力薦和監製 Owen Morris 的名氣(Owen Morris 曾為 Oasis 監製《Definitely Maybe》、《(What's the Story) Morning Glory?》、《Be Here Now》和 The Verve 的《A Northern Soul》),但 the view 的音樂的確是有朝氣、夠青春、又攪笑。好像《Wasted Little DJs》那幾句完全不知道是甚麼語言的歌詞「Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae」,原來是用所謂的 pig latin 「兒童黑話」所組合而成。Pig latin 是一種英語語言遊戲,把那些字的子音、母音開頭發音改變。就好像我們在中學時期,有系統地「亂」把一些字詞的發音改了,然後那來講笑。經過發音的改變,原來「Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae」,就是歌名「Wasted Little DJs」,你說好笑不好笑。初生之犢不虎,《Hats Off The Buskers》在不用瞻前顧後和沒有畏首畏尾的情況下,令人聽得份外輕鬆、份外舒服。
Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae They're the cleverest blonde we ken. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae I wish everybody danced like them.
3 則留言:
I have no expetation when I buy The View CD. It makes me surprised when I listen to it. They are young, funny & the songs have great melody with energy. My favourite track is Superstar Trademan which is used for the ad of Barclays sponsers English Premier League.
3 則留言:
I have no expetation when I buy The View CD. It makes me surprised when I listen to it. They are young, funny & the songs have great melody with energy. My favourite track is Superstar Trademan which is used for the ad of Barclays sponsers English Premier League.
Yep, they got energy. My favourite track is "Claudia".
know that you're listening M.I.A. check this out, here come an article about M.I.A. from Herald Tribune: The voice of a migrant